Development Consulting

About us
Impact Business Development Consulting LLC (IBDC) is a New York-based boutique consulting firm specializing in CPG, food, and beverage solutions to help our clients scale their business and develop sustainable growth in North America.
With our deep expertise in the food and beverage industry and strong retail & food service relationships, we work and partner with CPG brands and organizations to develop and implement the right growth strategy to propel your business forward.
At IBDC, we are dedicated to meeting our clients’ needs with passion and commitment. Trust our expert team to help you achieve your goals seamlessly and effectively.
- Nougat Chabert & Guillot
Nougat Chabert & Guillot
Gauthier de Bengy, Export Manager
"Nous avons été mis en contact avec Mike et l’équipe d’IBDC par l'intermédiaire de la société Rézoway afin de nous apporter un support efficace pour mieux appréhender le marché américain. Il était donc convenu que la société IBDC travaille sur un store check et une étude de marché sur les Etats-Unis."
- Business Advisor, CCI of LIMOGES HAUTE VIENNE
Valérie MANDON, Business Advisor, CCI of LIMOGES HAUTE VIENNE
"Our organization, a member of a European program AGROSMARTglobal, had to organize a trade mission for European agri-food companies in the United States. We were looking for a company, or a specialist in the US food and beverage market."
- Rok H2O Ltd
Troy Finnigan, CEO (US E-Commence bootcamp participant)
“We wanted to gain a better understanding of e-commerce capabilities and the size of the potential market in the US for our business. Thanks for to the one-on-one assignments, we have a better understanding of the market size and the resources needed to access the US market. The IBDC team is thorough and knowledgeable about the space. I would recommend working with IBDC.”
- Consulate General of Canada in Los Angeles
Jenny Karnjanavijaya, Trade Commissioner
Consulate General of Canada in Los Angeles
"The Canadian Consulate of Los Angeles contacted IBDC for assistance with recruiting panelists for the Canadian Flavours Food Festival in November 2021."
- Pod Foods Buyer (wholesale distribution)
Pod Foods Buyer (wholesale distribution)
“I thought the Taste of Canada event was good, and I liked the format where distributors/buyers could connect with brands for shortened meeting intervals, to review products and share business details.” Buyer participated in the B2B program.”
- Brokerage agency
Brokerage agency
“We thought that the event was very well organized and appreciated the hard cut-off at 15 minutes to ensure we met with as many brands as possible. Having an event like this run alongside a trade show such as Expo is also a great idea since it gave us the chance to meet face to face with people that we would rarely have the chance to otherwise. Overall, we found this to be a really successful and worthwhile event and would love to participate in similar events in the future.”
- Juan Gargano, Head Sommelier
Juan Gargano, Head Sommelier
“The tasting was well executed, and I enjoyed having all the winemaker/owner in a more casual setting. I found it extremely valuable to learn more about new wineries, particularly Domaine De La Chretienne, great quality and price. I loved their Bandol rose. Guest at a wine-tasting event in NYC. ”
- Bretagne Commerce International
Bretagne Commerce International
“Nous avons contacté IBDC pour les compétences de Mike pour animer un webinaire sectoriel sur l’agroalimentaire et faire bénéficier de son expertise aux entreprises bretonnes de l’agroalimentaire. Le résultat rendu a été excellent. Ce que nous avons le plus apprécié dans notre collaboration avec Mike est sa réactivité, son efficacité, son sérieux, son expertise, son professionnalisme et sa convivialité. Si vous souhaitez travailler avec Mike et IBDC allez-y les yeux fermés!”
Contact: Caroline GIRARD, International and Operational Marketing Project Manager
“I contacted Mike to deliver a presentation about the US market and share IBDC’s industry expertise with a panel of local organic producers. The presentation was very insightful, clear and engaging. His expertise and professionalism were evident throughout the session. I highly recommend IBDC for anyone looking to expand into the US market.”
- Bi-Rite (grocery retail store)
Bi-Rite (grocery retail store)
“I really enjoyed the B2B format. I appreciate the flexibility with everyone involved to keep these meetings quick and on time.” Retail buyer attendee at the B2B program.”
- Birds & Bees Winery Inc.
Lisa Warkentin, Customer Relations
(US E-Commence bootcamp participant)
“We are looking to export into the United States and wanted more information on the markets and distribution channels to explore. IBDC provided great information to help us get started. We don’t do a lot of B2C ecommerce business so we were all very happy to see that there was still a lot of relevant information to our company. Based on the team’s valuable feedback, we have already begun re-branding and shifted our focus when interviewing distributors. We really appreciated the personalized feedback about our company – IBDC really did the research beforehand so it was very insightful.”
- US E-Commence bootcamp participant
Rhonda Goldbert, President (US E-Commence bootcamp participant)
Oh! Naturals
“I wanted to learn about new online strategies and get more connected to buyers. The bootcamp and services delivered helped me focus on where to spend my time and money for building online. I liked the team’s expertise in helping guiding Canadian companies.”
- PW Distributors NY (Wine Specialist)
PW Distributors NY (Wine Specialist)
“Great wine, great choice of food pairing, good event arrangement. I enjoyed learning more about my favorite wine region and the wines, specifically the Bandol and Châteauneuf-du-Pape.” Guest at a wine-tasting event in NYC.”
- French American Chamber of Commerce NYC
FACC – French American Chamber of Commerce NYC
“Mike is a highly engaged and valued member of the FACC network.He is always willing to connect and share his insights on business development and help our members gain from his robust knowledge and experience in the Food & Beverage industry.”
Les Grands Chais de France (recrutement)
"Mike / IBDC nous a transmis des candidatures qualitatives, qui ont débouché au recrutement d’une responsable comptable dont les qualités et compétences correspondent tout à fait à nos attentes. Nous avons apprécié la grande réactivité et le professionnel de Mike. Nos besoins ont bien été cernés, le calendrier respecté. Je recommande la collaboration avec Mike, qui s’est avérée être très fluide et efficace.”
- We enjoyed working with
a great client and company @Les Grands Chais de France.
Les Grands Chais de France (recruitment)
We enjoyed working with a great client and company @Les Grands Chais de France.
“Mike and his team sent us quality applications, which led to the recruitment of an accountant manager whose qualities and skills perfectly match our expectations. We appreciated Mike’s great responsiveness and professional attitude. Our needs were clearly identified and the schedule respected. I recommend collaborating with Mike and his team as it has proven to be very smooth and efficient.”
- Trade association representing the growers,
processors and traders of Canadian pulse crops
Tanya Der, Director food innovation with Pulse Canada
"We contacted Mike / IBDC because of their network in the food industry in the USA. IBDC connected us and helped coordinate meetings with US companies innovating with pulses. We appreciated the rigorous follow-up with companies and the ability to summarize progress in a succinct way."
- Consulate General of Canada in Los Angeles
Jérôme Pischella, Consul and Trade Commissioner, Consulate General of Canada in Los Angeles
"We had worked with Mike in the past to help organize B2B sessions between Canadian food manufacturers and U.S. buyers and distributors. Mike’s services had come highly recommended. Despite tight deadlines, Mike and his team were able to secure pertinent meetings with the stakeholders that we were seeking for an event at Expo West."
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